A bullying prevention show
“In The Center of Things” is the story of Hedgy Hedgehog and his best friend Sally A. Wolf. Hedgy is forced into the Big Woods by the Niggle Naggles who constantly tease and pick on him. He must find his way home but not before he comes face to face with Growl the Troll who is trying to be a friend, a bullying caterpillar, a sly fox who wants Hedgy to do his work for him, and a nasty wind with an awful attitude. Throughout Hedgy’s adventure, Sally and Growl try to help Hedgy learn how to handle bullies and get out of the Big Woods and back home safely.
In the Center of Things explores a variety of ways for students to handle intimidating situations. Hedgy’s adventure exposes him to many types of bullies. By himself or with the help of his friends he learns how to avoid being a victim.
Be sure to check out our In the Center of Things PDFs for classroom activities and In the Center of Things in book form!
More anti-bullying activities, including how to write your own anti-bullying puppet show.
A bonus downloadable book of In the Center of Things.