Summer Reading Program 2023
Dragons on the Case

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Prevention Shows
In the Center of Things (A bullying prevention show)
“In The Center of Things” is the story of Hedgy Hedgehog and his best friend Sally A. Wolf. Hedgy is forced into the Big Woods by the Niggle Naggles who constantly tease and pick on him. He must find his way home but not before he comes face to face with Growl the Troll who is trying to be a friend, a bullying caterpillar, a sly fox who wants Hedgy to do his work for him, and a nasty wind with an awful attitude. Throughout Hedgy’s adventure, Sally and Growl try to help Hedgy learn how to handle bullies and get out of the Big Woods and back home safely.
In the Center of Things explores a variety of ways for students to handle intimidating situations. Hedgy’s adventure exposes him to many types of bullies. By himself or with the help of his friends he learns how to avoid being a victim.
Be sure to check out our In the Center of Things PDFs for classroom activities and In the Center of Things in book form!
More anti-bullying activities, including how to write your own anti-bullying puppet show. A bonus downloadable book of In the Center of Things.
Rabbit Tales (A tobacco prevention show)
RABBIT TALES is a tobacco prevention puppet show concentrating on the reasons why elementary students should not smoke or chew tobacco. Cassandra is a nasty bunny who wants to be Queen of Warren on the Green. She intends to steal Skvang the Dragon’s golden egg to use to trick King Peter A Rabbit into marrying her. But Cassandra is having a terrible time. Since she smokes, she cannot carry the egg without losing her breath and needing to rest. Her servant Gertrude who chews tobacco is in no better shape. So they must convince Honey Bunny, Cassandra’s step daughter to carry the egg back to the palace for them and fast! Meanwhile, if Skavang doesn’t get the golden egg back before it hatches, his wife Wisteria will make scales fly! Skavang of course knows who has stolen the egg. He has a great nose and instantly smells smoky Cassandra and slips on Gert’s spit. So the chase is on! Wizard Youngblood, King Peter (the object of Cassandra’s affection) and Honey Bunny are all involved in the mix-up. Will the egg hatch or be the trick to allow Cassandra to marry the King?
Current Season
Imagining Dragons

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Daisy's Mad Dash
Daisy Dragon has a good life. She lives in an enchanted forest on the edge of nowhere with all the good friends a dragon could want. Then something happens that wrecks Daisy’s world. She discovers that she may be the last dragon. How can she go on being happy knowing dragons are about to become extinct? Daisy’s friends spread out and search the world but they cannot find any dragons! Just when it seems hopeless, Daisy hears about a dragon egg right here in her forest. But the egg is in trouble. Witch Hazel has stolen it and plans to make witch spells out of it. Daisy and her friends must make a mad dash to rescue the egg and all of dragonkind.
Tall Tale of Matty Bow
The Tall Tale of Matty Bow” spins a tall tale of the Dakota Territory when the West was wild and free. The heroine Matty Bow is a young girl kidnapped by coyotes in the Dakota Territory. She prefers the company of her friends Pete the prairie dog, and Mica the coyote. Matty and her friends keep watch over a human family. When the evil Hi McGreed decides to steal the farm from the family, only Matty and her friends stand in the way.
~Good decision making helps to create your own future.
Quest For The Junk Yard Dragon
Sharn, an ordinary girl, is cast out by a wicked Queen into a hostile forest filled with screaming Meemies, witches, trolls and other bizarre creatures. In order to throw off the Queen’s curse, Sharn must find Skavang, the Junkyard Dragon. Only he can solve her problems. Then she can return to the kingdom and home.
~Good friends support one another.
Other Shows
Dragon Digs
Zed and Estelle are looking for a cozy underground cave to call home (and for Zed to hide his gold). But Millicent the Mole, Slubber the Hound Dog, Flynn the Fast Footed Ferret, just to name a few, are also looking. It seems that there is a rumor that A Totally Tempting, Terrifically Unbelievable Treasure Underground awaits anyone who will get to this perfect spot first.
A Dragon Mystery: Legend of Istaban’s Gold
This is the second in the series of Zed the Dragon and his best friend Estelle the Mouse. For this second puppet show, Zed and Estelle are called to Dragon Island to help solve a perplexing mystery. Istaban the oldest, wisest and richest dragon is slowly and quite unwillingly losing his gold. He suspects someone is stealing it, but who? He wants answers. Even more, he wants his gold back! Zed and Estelle need help on this case. So they hire the B.F.B Detectives from the neighboring Galapagos Islands. The B.F.B. Detectives are truly birds of a feather (Blue Footed Boobies, to be exact). Between these clownish bird detectives & Zed and Estelle, who knows if Istaban will ever see his gold again. This is puppetry for the entire family. Character counts
Dragon Dreams
A puppet show for the whole family. Liza is lonely. She really really wants a pet. So, she conjures up a dragon. Now the only problem is to convince her mother she can handle her new pet. Oh, and somehow make friends with the awful neighbor, Mrs. Crylon and her pet monster, Slubber.
The Dragon and the Doodle Bug
Zed the Dragon was the best of all the dragon storytellers. He had a secret weapon—his best friend Dixie Doodle Bug. Dixie had a very special talent. She could draw anything on her magic pad and it would pop to life. Zed and Dixie were making a great living when A Not So Nice Queen wanted to see the bug Zed was telling about.