Links to the Universe
There are so many helpful and informative sites on the world wide web! Whatever did we do without
them?.....I remember, we rode bicycles and planted flowers, we talked to the neighbors and we got
bored. Well, my friends, boredom is a thing of the past.
Here is our labyrinth of links.
If you ever even start getting antsy, come here and Gooooooo Surfin!
Puppets, Puppetry & Magic
Puppeteers of America
a national nonprofit organization founded in 1937, provides information, encourages performances,
and builds a community of people who love puppet theatre.
The Puppetry Store Offering over 200 puppet and puppet related books, pamphlets, scripts, patterns, video and audio tapes, THE PUPPETRY STORE serves all levels of interest in the art of puppetry.
Center for Puppetry Arts Museum: The largest Puppetry Museum in the United States. Take a tour of the interactive exhibits.
The Puppetry Home Page A wealth of puppetry related listings: festivals, organizations, classifieds, schools, museums etc.
The International Ventriloquists Association A place for ventriloquists all over the world to find out about the latest vent related news and events.
Magician Supplies Learn magic and buy card, coin and close up tricks online.
Teacher Resources
EdHelper Lesson Plans - Teacher's Lesson Plans - Primary Teacher Resources - Math Lesson Plans - Writing Lesson Plans - Reading Lesson Plans - Science Lesson Plans - Technology Lesson Plans - Social Studies Lesson Plans
Teachers.net The most active teacher chatboards & teacher chatrooms, featuring 25 teacher mailrings and over 55 teacher chatboards, live 24 hours a day. Teachers.Net lesson bank offers over 1000 free lesson plan and curriculum and teacher project ideas.
Getty Arts Education Resource from the Getty to support the needs of the K-12 arts education community focused on helping arts educators, teachers, museum educators, and others using the arts in their curriculum.
The Global SchoolhouseEducation technology training resource for teachers.
Busy TeachersThis site is designed to provide teachers with direct source materials, lesson plans, classroom activities with a minimum of
site-to-site linking, and to provide an enjoyable and rewarding experience for the teacher who is learning to use the Internet.
Babies & Toddlers
Babies Online Create a web page for your new baby, complete with pictures, instantly and for free!
Babies Today A resource and community for new and new-again parents, offering information and resources to guide you through the first year!
iParent Connect with other expectant parents via boards, chat, mailing lists and more.
Selecting Child Care This site is from the Department of labor giving specific advice for the selection of a childcare provider and has a link to the National ChildCare Association (NCCA) directory of community child care programs.
New Baby Gift Baskets offers the finest selection of gift baskets. Order gift baskets for all holidays and special occasions.
Baby Place A parenting resource for all aspects of pregnancy, birth and baby care. Includes free stuff for parents, health resources, morning sickness treatments, children's games, products, books and more.
Little Wonders Little Wonders presents The Bottle Bundle, a soft pillow designed to help parents feed their babies while keeping their hands free!
Kid Fun
Wicked4Kids.com Lots of fun things to do - games, crafts, cooking, puzzles, quizzes. Great fun.
ABC Toon Center
A children's playground of original games, stories, music and cartoons. Playful, creative, kid-friendly.
Seussville The cat in the hat is back. Shockwave games galore.
A safe Internet environment for kids. Offers a downloadable safe browser.
Comics.com Featuring daily comic strips, archives, and licensed merchandise featuring Dilbert, Peanuts, Luann, Rose is Rose, Robotman, Arlo & Janis, For Better or For Worse.
The Exploratorium A hands-on museum of science, art, and human perception in San Francisco. Our site provides interactive online exhibits and exhibitions, hands-on activities, Webcasts, and more.
Carmen Sandiego is on the Web! Join the ACME Virtual Detective Agency and Catch Carmen!
KidInfo.com The web's best student
homework and teacher, parent reference resource!
Bats4Kids This special website about bats, designed for all children, and created with the hope you will like, respect and help protect these endangered species.
Bonus.com The SuperSite for Kids features over 900 fun,free, online activities for Kids. Games, Puzzles, Brain Teasers, Build Things, Explore and More!
Learn to Draw Learn how to draw cartoon art, sketches and simple drawings...aliens, animals, flowers and fancy letters.
Cartoon Corner A fun site. Learn to draw cartoons.
BBC Education A fun packed site for 5-7 year olds with poems, games and activities to help with reading and writing.
Family Links
The parent's source for children's healthcare, education, safety, learning disability, software, and parenting information and discussion.
Juggling & Unicycle Site
- Awesome Juggling & Unicycle Pictures (Two Galleries). Learn how to Juggle and
Unicycle. Links to other cool Juggling and Unicycle sites. Plus links to stores
that sell Unicycles and Juggling Equipment.
MagicTricks.Com - All
about magic tricks, the history of magic, magicians and their amazing feats. Professional
magic shop, plus a huge free library of information on magic. Extensive directory
of resources, online museum, plus Houdini tribute.
Stuva- clowns for partys,birthdays,magicians,videofilms,and
everything else that you look for for your party
iGrandparents.com Premier resource
committed to enriching the lives of grandparents and grandchildren. The site offers a broad scope of grandparenting topics including many new ideas and suggestions for fun things to do with the grandchildren.
MommySavers.com -Frugal living for thrifty moms, work at home ideas, money saving ideas, inexpensive recipes, and parenting advice.
ChildFun Tons of parenting tips, recipes, games, e-cards and freebees.
CountryKid Offers help with homework, links to fun sites, games, puzzles, and stories. CountryKid is part of the CountryRoads Network.
Surf the Net Kids Archive of Web site reviews on subjects such as Butterflies, Houdini, Online Encyclopedias, Crossword Puzzles and The Wright Brothers. From nationally syndicated newspaper columnist, Barbara J. Feldman
The Family Corner Giving time-out a new meaning. Parents are always searching for good solid advice when it comes to their family and home life. Everything from teething, fitness, teenagers, home decorating and harvesting your herb garden. Relax with us in The Family Corner.
Buying Toys for Children Everything you should know, good and bad, about toys for children at different ages and stages.
Shopping Links
BubbleShop.net Really a fun site-great design! And a wonderful
collection of soaps by the slice. If you are looking for the perfect pick-me-up for that certain woman in
your life, click here.
Sunny Side Get your business Sunny Side up Look on the 'sunny side' for hometown businesses.
GreenMarketplace.com Natural and Organic Toys
ImprovementsCatalog.com Quick & Clever Do-it-Yourself problem solvers for your home
Gardening Links
Burpee.com Burpee has been introducing new flowers and veggies since 1876. You can ask specific questions, read the tip of the day or the article of the week.
Lazy Gardener Vegetable gardening for organic gardeners who are lazy, but veggie crazy.
Garden Gate The Garden Gate offers gardeners and nature lovers a carefully-selected and
well-organized collection of links to informative and interesting horticulture sites around
the world.
Organic Gardening Magazine Online Organic
Gardening, the source for information about growing a beautiful, healthy gardens
in harmony with Nature.
WebMaster Tools
on other websites by exchanging links with similar sites.