Imagining Dragons Press Release

News Release:
Imagine Dragons
Puppet Show

_____________________________(sponser)_________presents Dragons Are Too Seldom Puppets “Imagining Dragons”, a puppet show for the whole family. “Imagining Dragons” is about Liza, a young girl who volunteers at her local library. She wants a pet, a kitty, but her mom doesn’t. So she decides to conger up one from a book she found while volunteering at the library. Only problem is, she gets a dragon instead of a kitty. So now she has to figure out how to sneak a dragon into the house past the grouchy neighbor, Mrs Crylon and her grouchier dog, Slubber. And figure out what a dragon eats and where to get it!
Dragons Are Too Seldom Puppet Productions with master puppeteer, Markie Scholz, has been touring the United States performing for close to fifty years. Markie’s fast-paced puppet shows are full of fun and whimsy. She and her puppets travel around 30,000 miles a year, performing for schools, libraries, festivals, special happenings and any other event that needs some laughter and joy.
For More information about “The Dragon Who Fell to Earth”, please call ___________(sponsor’s phone number___________________.